Thursday, November 5, 2009

Welcome Myka ION

We just announced Myka ION. It's based on work we have been doing for our private network customers. We felt it would really rock in the consumer world. After getting some feed back from the forums we decided to go ahead and commit to production.

This machine is a blast. You should see it run Boxee. Details are up on the website.


  1. You should provide links, like to the product page...

  2. Very nice. Looks very cool.

  3. Boxee cannot run the Netflix App on this device, as it's only available for the Windows and Apple versions....until that is available this is a no go for me....I was ready to buy one as soon as I saw it but will have to wait yet again.

  4. No pictures of the rear / ports for this new Ion.
    Hope this isn't vaporware, I want one!

  5. The Myka ION has a Windows option. It does run Netflix just fine.
